This is a list of all the scriptures used in this analysis and the signs which we extracted from them.

Isaiah 10:20-21
Remnant shall return to God
Isaiah 49:22-23
Standard is setup
Gentiles are Nursing Parents
Jeremiah 3:17-18
Jerusalem the throne of the Lord
Judah and Israel come together out of the land of the north
All nations gathered unto Jerusalem
Judah and Israel come together out of the land of the north
Jeremiah 23:3
Scattering of Israel
Remnant gathered out of all countries
Jeremiah 23:5
Christ reigns as King
Israel brought out of the north, and all countries
Jeremiah 29:14
Jews scattered
Jews gathered in Jerusalem
Ezekiel 38:18-23
All nations gathered against Israel
All nations gathered against Israel
Great earthquake in Israel
All nations gathered against Israel
Overflowing rain
All nations gathered against Israel
All nations gathered against Israel
Ezekiel 39
All nations gathered against Israel
Gog and Magog defeated
Gog and Magog defeated
Israel burns enemy weapons for seven years
Israel burns enemy weapons for seven years
Israel will spoil their enemies
Joel 2:31
Sun darkened
Great day of the Lord
Moon turned to blood
Great day of the Lord
Joel 3:14-16
Multitudes gathered in the valley of decision
Sun darkened
Multitudes gathered in the valley of decision
Moon darkened
Sun darkened
Lord speaks from Zion and Jerusalem
Moon darkened
Lord speaks from Zion and Jerusalem
Lord speaks from Zion and Jerusalem
Heavens shake
Lord speaks from Zion and Jerusalem
Zechariah 14
All nations gathered against Israel
Half of the city is captive
Half of the city is captive
Christ stands on Mount of Olives
Christ stands on Mount of Olives
Mount of Olives splits
Mount of Olives splits
Christ reigns as King
Zechariah 14:12
All nations gathered against Israel
Flesh fall off their bones and eyes fall out
Zechariah 14:5
Mount of Olives splits
Christ comes in the clouds
Malachi 4:5
Elijah appears
Great day of the Lord
JST Matt 1:18,22
Great tribulation of the Jews
False Christs and false prophets
JST Matt 1:23
Great tribulation of the Jews
JST Matt 1:31
Gospel preached to all the world
Destruction of the wicked
JST Matt 1:33
Great tribulation of the Jews
Sun darkened
Great tribulation of the Jews
Moon darkened
Great tribulation of the Jews
Stars fall from heaven
Great tribulation of the Jews
Heavens shake
JST Matt 1:36
Sun darkened
Sign of the Son of Man
Moon darkened
Sign of the Son of Man
Stars fall from heaven
Sign of the Son of Man
Heavens shake
Sign of the Son of Man
Sign of the Son of Man
Christ comes in the clouds
JST Matt 1:37
Son of Man shall come
Angels gather the remainder of the elect
Mark 13:24
Great tribulation of the Jews
Sun darkened
Great tribulation of the Jews
Moon darkened
Great tribulation of the Jews
Stars fall from heaven
Great tribulation of the Jews
Heavens shake
Sun darkened
Christ comes in the clouds
Moon darkened
Christ comes in the clouds
Stars fall from heaven
Christ comes in the clouds
Heavens shake
Christ comes in the clouds
Luke 21:25-28
Signs in the heavens
Christ comes in the clouds
Acts 2:20
Sun darkened
Great day of the Lord
Moon turned to blood
Great day of the Lord
Romans 11:25-26
Fulness of the Gentiles
All Israel is saved
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
Christ comes in the clouds
Morning of the First Resurrection
Christ comes in the clouds
Revelation 6:12-17
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Great earthquake
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Sun turned blacked
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Moon turned to blood
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Stars fall from heaven
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Heaven departed as a scroll
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Every mountain and island moved
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Men hide themselves
Revelation 7:2, D&C 77:9
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Revelation 7:3-4
Sealing of the 144,000
Revelation 9
Opening of the Sixth Seal
Opening of the Seventh Seal
Sealing of the 144,000
Opening of the Seventh Seal
Revelation 8:1
Opening of the Seventh Seal
Silence in heavens for half an hour
Revelation 8:5
Silence in heavens for half an hour
Voices, Thunderings, Lightenings, Earthquake
Revelation 8:7
Voices, Thunderings, Lightenings, Earthquake
1: Hail, fire, blood
Revelation 8:8
1: Hail, fire, blood
2: Third part of sea becomes blood
Revelation 8:10
2: Third part of sea becomes blood
3: Great star falls from heaven causing wormwood
Revelation 8:12
3: Great star falls from heaven causing wormwood
4: Third part of sun, moon, stars smitten
Revelation 9:1-12
4: Third part of sun, moon, stars smitten
5: Smoke and tormenting locusts
Revelation 9:13-21
5: Smoke and tormenting locusts
6: Four horsemen kill third of men
Revelation 10
6: Four horsemen kill third of men
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Revelation 11:2
All nations gathered against Israel
Two witnesses prophecy
Revelation 11:3; 11:7
Two witnesses prophecy
Two witnesses die
Revelation 11:11
Two witnesses die
Two witnesses resurrected
Revelation 11:13
Two witnesses resurrected
Great earthquake in Israel
Revelation 11:15
Great earthquake in Israel
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Revelation 11:19
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Temple of God opened
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Lightenings, voices, thunderings
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Great hail
Revelation 14:1
Sealing of the 144,000
Christ stands on Mount Zion
Revelation 15-16
1. Grievous sore
2. Sea turned to blood
2. Sea turned to blood
3. Rivers and fountains turned to blood
3. Rivers and fountains turned to blood
4. Men scorched with heat of the sun
4. Men scorched with heat of the sun
5. Kingdom of beast full of darkness
5. Kingdom of beast full of darkness
6: Euphrates dried up
6: Euphrates dried up
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Revelation 16:12-16
6: Euphrates dried up
Spirits of the devil gather kings of the earth
Spirits of the devil gather kings of the earth
All nations gathered against Israel
Revelation 16:16-21
All nations gathered against Israel
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Islands become one land
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Great hail
7: Seven thunders; mystery of God finished
Great earthquake
Lehi's family in America
Destruction of the Nephites
Destruction of the Nephites
Discovering of America
1 Nephi 13:12
Discovering of America
1 Nephi 13:14
Discovering of America
Scattering of Lehi's seed
1 Nephi 15:13
Fulness of the Gentiles
Fullness of the gospel preached to Lehi's seed
1 Nephi 15:17
Scattering of Lehi's seed
Fullness of the gospel preached to Lehi's seed
1 Nephi 21:22-23
Standard is setup
Gentiles are Nursing Parents
1 Nephi 22:3
Lehi's family in America
House of Israel scattered
1 Nephi 22:4
Scattering of the ten tribes
Lehi's family in America
1 Nephi 22:6
House of Israel scattered
Lord lifts his hand upon the Gentiles
Lord lifts his hand upon the Gentiles
Gentiles are Nursing Parents
1 Nephi 22:7
House of Israel scattered
Mighty nation raised up
Mighty nation raised up
Scattering of Lehi's seed
1 Nephi 22:8
Scattering of Lehi's seed
Marvelous work among the Gentiles
2 Nephi 6-7
Standard is setup
Gentiles are Nursing Parents
2 Nephi 10:6-8
Scattering of the Jews
Jews believe in Christ
Jews believe in Christ
Gathering of the Jews
2 Nephi 30:8,10
Great division
Great division
2 Nephi 30:15-18
All things revealed
3 Nephi 16:4-5
Scattering of the Jews
Fulness of the Gentiles
Fulness of the Gentiles
Gathering of Israel
3 Nephi 16:7-10
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Gentiles sin against the gospel
3 Nephi 16:10-12
Gentiles sin against the gospel
Fulness of the gospel brought to the house of Israel
3 Nephi 20:22, 3 Nephi 21:23-25, Ether 13:8
Lehi's family in America
New Jerusalem
New Jerusalem
Gentiles help gather God's people
Gentiles help gather God's people
Christ comes in the clouds
D&C 29:7
Gathering of the elect
D&C 29:9
Gathering of the elect
D&C 29:13
Angel sounds his trump
Morning of the First Resurrection
D&C 29:14-19
Sun darkened
Angel sounds his trump
Moon turned to blood
Angel sounds his trump
Stars fall from heaven
Angel sounds his trump
Great hailstorm
Angel sounds his trump
Flies eat flesh and cause maggots
Angel sounds his trump
Flesh fall off their bones and eyes fall out
Angel sounds his trump
D&C 33:6
Gather elect from four quarters of the earth
D&C 34:7-9
Sun darkened
Christ comes in the clouds
Moon turned to blood
Christ comes in the clouds
Stars refuse their light
Christ comes in the clouds
Stars fall from heaven
Christ comes in the clouds
D&C 39:11
Preach the fulness of the gospel
Preach the fulness of the gospel
Recover the house of Israel
D&C 43:18
Lord utters his voice out of heaven
Heavens shake
Lord utters his voice out of heaven
Lord utters his voice out of heaven
Trump of God shall sound
Trump of God shall sound
Morning of the First Resurrection
D&C 45:24-25
Jews scattered
Jews gathered in Jerusalem
Jews gathered in Jerusalem
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
D&C 45:26-27
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Whole earth in commotion
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Men's hearts shall fail them
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Shall say that Christ delayeth his coming
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Love of men wax cold
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Iniquity shall abound
D&C 45:28-30
Times of the Gentiles begins
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
D&C 45:31-33
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Overflowing scourge, desolating sickness
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Men will curse God and die
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
Many desolations
Times of the Gentiles fulfilled
D&C 45:40-43
Great day of the Lord
Great day of the Lord
Vapors of smoke
Great day of the Lord
Sun darkened
Great day of the Lord
Moon turned to blood
Great day of the Lord
Stars fall from heaven
Great day of the Lord
Jews gathered in Jerusalem
Great day of the Lord
D&C 45:45-46
Angel sounds his trump
Morning of the First Resurrection
D&C 45:47-48
Christ stands on Mount of Olives
Mount of Olives splits
Mount of Olives splits
Christ stands on Mount of Olives
Heavens shake
D&C 45:49-50
Christ stands on Mount of Olives
Lord utters his voice
Lord utters his voice
D&C 45:51-53
Mount of Olives splits
Jews recognize Christ
D&C 45:54
Heathen nations redeemed
Afternoon of the First Resurrection
Satan shall be bound
D&C 49:23
Angel sounds a trump
Heavens shake
Angel sounds a trump
Angel sounds a trump
Face of the earth changed
D&C 63:33-34
Christ comes in the clouds
D&C 63:54
Great division
Great division
D&C 64:23-24
Christ comes in the clouds
D&C 76:63
Christ comes in the clouds
Christ reigns as King
D&C 77:15
Jews gathered in Jerusalem
Jews gathered in Jerusalem
Two witnesses prophecy
D&C 84:2
New Jerusalem
Christ stands on Mount Zion
D&C 86:7
Gathering of the wheat
Tares bound in bundles
Tares bound in bundles
D&C 88:87-93
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Great sign in heaven
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Sun darkened
Sun darkened
Great sign in heaven
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Moon turned to blood
Moon turned to blood
Great sign in heaven
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Stars fall from heaven
Stars fall from heaven
Great sign in heaven
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Thunderings and lightenings
Thunderings and lightenings
Great sign in heaven
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Great sign in heaven
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Great sign in heaven
Gospel preached to the Gentiles
Men's hearts shall fail them
Men's hearts shall fail them
Great sign in heaven
D&C 88:94
Tares bound in bundles
Silence for half an hour
D&C 88:95-97
Great sign in heaven
Silence for half an hour
Silence for half an hour
Curtain of heaven unfolded as a scroll
Curtain of heaven unfolded as a scroll
Face of the Lord unveiled
Curtain of heaven unfolded as a scroll
Morning of the First Resurrection
Curtain of heaven unfolded as a scroll
Face of the Lord unveiled
Christ comes in the clouds
Morning of the First Resurrection
Christ comes in the clouds
Christ comes in the clouds
D&C 88:99
Christ comes in the clouds
Second trump: Redemption of Terrestrial spirits
D&C 88:100
Second trump: Redemption of Terrestrial spirits
Third trump: Redemption of Telestial spirits
D&C 88:102
Third trump: Redemption of Telestial spirits
Fourth trump: Sons of perdition
D&C 88:103-104
Fourth trump: Sons of perdition
Fifth trump: Angel committeth the everlasting gospel
Fifth trump: Angel committeth the everlasting gospel
Every ear hear; every knee bow; every tongue confess
D&C 88:105
Every ear hear; every knee bow; every tongue confess
Sixth trump: she is fallen
D&C 88:106
Sixth trump: she is fallen
Seventh trump: It is finished
D&C 88:107
Seventh trump: It is finished
Angels crowned with glory
Seventh trump: It is finished
Saints receive their inheritance
D&C 88:108-110
Angels crowned with glory
Secret acts of men revealed
Saints receive their inheritance
Secret acts of men revealed
D&C 88:110
Secret acts of men revealed
Satan bound for 1000 years
D&C 88:111-115
Satan bound for 1000 years
Satan loosed for a little season
Satan loosed for a little season
Satan gathers his armies
Satan loosed for a little season
Michael gathers his armies
Satan gathers his armies
Satan is defeated and cast away
Michael gathers his armies
Satan is defeated and cast away
D&C 101:23-25
Curtain of heaven unfolded as a scroll
Face of the Lord unveiled
Face of the Lord unveiled
All things become new
D&C 116
Gathering at Adam-Ondi-Ahman
D&C 133:7-8
Elders sent unto the nations
Elders sent unto the nations
Elders sent unto the Gentiles
Elders sent unto the Gentiles
Elders sent unto the Jews
D&C 133:10
Elders sent unto the Jews
Great day of the Lord
D&C 133:18
Sealing of the 144,000
Christ stands on Mount Zion
D&C 133:21-22
Lord speaks from Zion and Jerusalem
Mountains broken down
D&C 133:23
Lord speaks from Zion and Jerusalem
Ocean driven back into the north countries
Ocean driven back into the north countries
Islands become one land
D&C 133:25
Islands become one land
Christ shall reign over all flesh
D&C 133:26
Christ shall reign over all flesh
Those in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord
D&C 133:27
Those in the north countries shall come in remembrance before the Lord
A highway shall be cast up in the ocean
D&C 133:30
A highway shall be cast up in the ocean
Those in the north countries shall bring their rich treasures to Ephraim
D&C 133:32
Those in the north countries shall bring their rich treasures to Ephraim
Those in the north countries shall be crowned with glory by Ephraim
D&C 133:56
Morning of the First Resurrection
Christ stands on Mount Zion
Moses 7:60-61
Sun darkened
Christ comes in the clouds
Moon darkened
Christ comes in the clouds
Heavens shake
Christ comes in the clouds
Darkness shall cover the earth
Christ comes in the clouds
Christ comes in the clouds
Moses 7:62
Truth sweeps earth as a flood
Gather elect from four quarters of the earth
Gather elect from four quarters of the earth
New Jerusalem
Moses 7:63-64
New Jerusalem
Return of the City of Enoch
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith; p286-287
Jews gathered in Jerusalem
Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt
Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt
Waters from temple heal the Dead Sea
Waters from temple heal the Dead Sea
Sign of the Son of Man
Sign of the Son of Man
Signs in the heavens
Sign of the Son of Man
Sun darkened
Sign of the Son of Man
Moon turned to blood
Sign of the Son of Man
Sign of the Son of Man
Seas heaving beyond their bounds
Sign of the Son of Man
Two witnesses die
Half of the city is captive
Mount of Olives splits
Gog and Magog defeated
The Millennial Messiah by Bruce R McConkie (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 1982), pp.578
Gathering at Adam-Ondi-Ahman
Christ comes in the clouds
Gathering at Adam-Ondi-Ahman
Christ stands on Mount of Olives
Gathering at Adam-Ondi-Ahman
Christ stands on Mount Zion
Gathering at Adam-Ondi-Ahman
Lord speaks from Zion and Jerusalem
Scattering of the ten tribes
Jews scattered
Jews gathered in Jerusalem
All nations gathered against Israel
Gospel preached to all the world
Morning of the First Resurrection
Afternoon of the First Resurrection
Discovering of America
Mighty nation raised up
Elijah appears